
MBISS BBPIS CH Glenfell's Amazing Electra au Barka "Maze"

Date of Birth:
Cream grey
20.5" at the withers
46 lbs
Pedigree COI
1.18% (Full pedigree linked here)



Maze is in the process of undergoing her health testing in preparation for breeding. She is still too young for certain tests at the moment. You can view her OFA record here.

FCI Conversion
Dandy-Walker Malformation
Clear by parentage


Embark genetic report TBC.

About Maze

Maze was a pretty special puppy from the very beginning. She captured everyone's hearts, with her calm, confident, watchful demeanour, and was every guest's favourite puppy, as she would come in close for snuggles.


If I had to pick one word to describe Maze, it would be sweet. She was the most human-focused and affectionate puppy from the very beginning, and she is still incredibly bonded with her "pack" as an adult. 

Her temperament test conducted at 7.5 weeks revealed that she was a very well-balanced puppy, moderately assertive with people and dogs, moderately biddable, moderate energy level, moderate environmental focus and high on the confidence scale.

Like Victra, not only is Maze intelligent, but she's clever as well. She'll pick up on new tricks quickly, gets bored fast, and isn't easily outsmarted. When she wants something, she'll find a way to get it, and vice versa.

Words that her temperament test evaluator used to describe Maze's personality as a puppy are: focused, quiet, thoughtful, engaged, calm, persistent, and thinks before acting.

Words that her family would use to describe Maze's personality are: passionate, stubborn, observant, and expressive. 

She's not sight sensitive nor noise sensitive (living in a household with a 5-year old and a 12-year old will desensitize you to noise pretty quickly!). I've snapped photos of her just snoozing while chaos with other dogs and people ensue! She's playful and gets along well with most other dogs.

It's important to note that Maze is still young, at 1.5 years old, and recently exited her teenage puppy phase. Maze was a fairly rebellious teenager and frequently turned off her ears, chewed some things she wasn't supposed to, and was fairly mouthy. She's now settled down dramatically, and while she still likes holding people's hands with her mouths, it's evident that she's starting to mature and listens much better.

Overall, I'm thrilled with Maze's temperament - she's balanced, moderate, and her temperament would fit in with most families. That being said, she's not a perfect dog. Eurasiers are a sensitive breed, and without a watchful eye on careful breeding, it would be easy for some lines to develop excessive anxiety or reactivity.

While Maze is on the low end of the anxiety scale and is not reactive, there are certain things that gets her overly excitable. She demonstrated incredible resilience by overcoming a traumatic incident in the show ring as a baby puppy and responds well to counter-conditioning and desensitization.

She is strongly attuned to her families emotions and though she doesn't have separation anxiety, she can get stressed in certain environments if they are not there to support her. She has no issues with activities like being groomed or car rides when done with her family, though I suspect she wouldn't love doing either of those things with strangers.


Maze has a beautiful structure, and that's evidence by the numerous awards she's won in the conformation ring. Most recently, she won back-to-back Best in Specialty Shows at the Eurasier Club of Canada's Regional and National Specialty shows. She has also won multiple group placements, most recently a Group 2 in a lovely lineup of Working Group dogs at the Burlington Kennel & Obedience Club.

The main physical improvements on Victra that I had hoped to get by breeding her with Taiko is better angulation in the rear, and more substance, as Victra is on the very bottom end of the standard. With Maze, I definitely got what I wanted from that breeding, whose rear is a significant improvement on Victra's, and is closer to the middle of the breed standard from a weight perspective.

The main improvements we would be seeking in future generations would be improve on her expression. The breed standard states that the eyes should be slightly slanting. Maze's ears are also a little larger than ideal, so the main thing we are looking for from a male is more of the classic Eurasier expression.

Depending on the genetics of the male used, Maze's puppies may or may not have a black mask, and could range in colours from cream, red, or wolf-gray (agouti).